Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer Continued

Cooper got this cool present from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Steph while we were in Bear Lake. Coop turned a Big ONE year old last week. My how time flies
Grandpa Wheadon came down from Washington to visit and did what all parents wish they could get away with. It was good to see him.

Sarah and Cooper waiting for the coals to roast a Wienie.

We went and had a Weinie Roast up the Greys River. Kids loved it. Even Daddy's Princess enjoyed it.

On the Fourth of July we had cousin Eric in Star Valley to celebrate. There is a picture of Maggie from the year previous that she is just crying her eyes out. Little older and more mature this year.

This was right before we got busted for lighting fireworks on National Forest Grounds. We really had good intentions, but just did not work out that night.

Summer Months

This is our good freind Daniel. He loves the kids and we enjoy having him around.

It is one the Gabe and Maggies Favorite things to do is invite him to dinner.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

These are just a couple of pictures out our back yard of the sunset and shortly after we caught the flash from a bolt of lightning.

Kids are growing like weeds, it seems like just recently cooper was not even able to move around on the floor. Now he can stand next to things and is pretty proficient at crawling up stairs and anywhere else he wants to go.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Got the kids together in the backyard the other evening and even got them to sit close together without one of them pulling the others hair or making them cry.

This seems to be a tradition, each kid likes to stand on Jeremy's hand. Maggie was never really good at it and seemed to be scared, like Cooper looks here. Gabe was a natural. He would stand up there and look around like he was on solid ground.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New shades for Easter
Maggie and Daddy

Master Bedroom, my sanctuary

Living room

front porch

Palisades, a view out the boys' window.
view out the front window

Jeremy's homemade tv stand. (Caution, may be hazardous to small children!)

our garden plot, we have big plans.

view out our back yard